Monday, July 26, 2010

Delphi programming animation AVI play without sound

The examples will demonstrate how the program is running, showing silent AVI animation.

Add a TAnimate to the form component and sets its CommonAVI property aviCopyFile, this component will be displayed in TAnimate copy files animation. After adding components form shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 form after adding components

Initialization process in the form add the following code:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate (Sender: TObject);


self.Animate1.Active: = true;


Thus, the initial run, the program will activate TAnimate components to copy files to start playing the animation aviCopyFile.

Code is as follows:

unit Unit1;



Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,

Dialogs, ComCtrls;


TForm1 = class (TForm)

Animate1: TAnimate;

procedure FormCreate (Sender: TObject);


(Private declarations)


(Public declarations)



Form1: TForm1;


($ R *. dfm)

procedure TForm1.FormCreate (Sender: TObject);


self.Animate1.Active: = true;



Save the file, and then press the F9 key to run the program, run the results shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 run results

This procedure does not call the disk in the AVI animation files, readers in their own applications can specify the FileName property TAnimate component to play sound in AVI animation.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ultimate registry operations - lock registry

Have you met the registry is locked and can not open the registry to manually fix it? Many people have it for this headache, I think you know that he is locked once the operating principles of:

Changes [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent
VersionPoliciesSystem] DisableRegistryTools value of 1 under

There are several methods to unlock, such as program with the API function call to delete the registry directly, make a REG file to import directly, write a script ... ... ... ...

Today I will teach you to write a program to achieve an alternative lock, is not it curious? Come with me.

Experimental Environment: windows2000
Experiment: Lock the registry (use this method to achieve Cracker ideas, direct the program to modify the program instructions to call the registry program prohibited.)
Implementation: C program

First of all we have to disassemble the idea according to Cracker WINNT regedit.exe and regedt32.exe found under the jump, how to get this information is not our purpose today, I will not detail here, and the following is a compilation I found anti-jump change of address:
Offset Address: 0x69CA the command: 0x74 0x1A modified to: 0x90 0x90

Offset Address: 0x10bf2 the command: 0x74 0x52 changed to: 0x90 0x90

Now we use the program addresses these two commands to modify the offset into 0x90 0x90 (0x90 behalf nop, is to let the program do nothing, the next instruction) Let us see how the program achieved it.

# Include
# Include
bool scanreg (const char * file, long offset, int length, char * the); / * Function Description * /

main ()
char the [] = (0x90, 0x90);
scanreg ("C: \ WINNT \ regedit.exe", 0x69CA, 0x02, the); / * call the function to modify winnt regedit.exe under which the 0x02 is the modification length * /
scanreg ("C: \ WINNT \ ServicePackFiles \ i386 \ regedit.exe", 0x69CA, 0x02, the); / * call the function to change the patch under the regedit.exe * /
scanreg ("C: \ WINNT \ system32 \ regedt32.exe", 0x10bf2, 0x02, the); / * call the function to modify system32 under regedt32.exe backup / bin / conf / data / log / maint / svn / tmp /
scanreg ("C: \ WINNT \ ServicePackFiles \ i386 \ regedt32.exe", 0x10bf2, 0x02, the); / * call the function to change the patch under the regedt32.exe * /
bool scanreg (const char * file, long offset, int length, char * the)
FILE * fp = NULL;
bool result = false;
if ((fp = fopen (file, "rb "))!= NULL) / * Open the file for read and write operations * /
fseek (fp, offset, 1); / * the pointer to our definition of offset address * /
fwrite (the, length, 1, fp); / * modify the program, the instruction replaced by 0x90 * /
fclose (fp); / * Close file * /
result = true;
return (result);

Well, I have here is just a demonstration, only for 2000 system, the windows registry every system call procedures to analyze and then use the API function in the program begin GetVersionEx (LPOSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInfo) to judge the system, according to judge the system calls the corresponding modification function. That is not to kill windows through it? Above, the method of announcing to everyone do well against.

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